

Monday, June 11, 2018

San Juan Cruise Day 4 - Sucia

This morning we took a quick dinghy ride to the beach so Barkley could go potty then returned to Synnova for breakfast and showers. We decided to get our run in (we only run every other day) over at Fossil Bay which looked like it had some flatter trails. So many of them are uphill to get to the other side of the island. We found a great place to run that was actually a road for the park ranger but was dirt and relatively flat. It ran through the trees just like any other trail. It was beautiful and the perfect place to run and just enjoy the beauty. It was so quiet except for the many birds. We loved it there.

In the afternoon we took another long walk to Fossil Bay. The entire island is full of trails and the trees and undergrowth are beautiful. We even saw two geese with their goslings and a family of otters playing the in the water. We had a wonderful time on our walks and then spent some time reading after dinner.

In the evening we invited everyone over to our boat for apple pie, to visit, and to make plans for tomorrow. We have decided to spend just one night at Prevost and then get reservations for Roche Harbor. As much fun as it is to anchor, it is really a hassle with Barkley to have to take him to the beach using a dinghy every time. I think we will be ready for some electricity, a dock and wi-fi again.