

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Broughtons Summer Cruise - Day 14 Sullivan Bay

While preparing for our month long trip we tried to prepare for everything that could happen or that we might need. We were well stocked on food and paper products, a new high-end first aid kit, etc.  What I failed to consider, however, was medications that I rarely need. I brought all my regular prescriptions but there was one that I haven’t needed in a long time and didn’t even think of. Wouldn’t you know it! I needed it and we still have almost three weeks left on our cruise. Communication is so difficult here in the Broughtons. We can rarely get a wifi signal and even with one we are having trouble getting emails in and out. Our phones are not working and I can’t even get a text out with the wifi. We considered various options for obtaining the prescription including crossing Queen Charlotte Strait (which can get very rough and would take two days) to get to a pharmacy and then come back. We thought we could have Kenmore Air fly a package up when they bring passengers but learned that they are only allowed to fly emergency boat parts into Canada (but not emergency medicine?!).  Friends of Al and Sue’s who happened to be here told us about a gentleman from the Tacoma Yacht Club named Charlie Long who is flying in to Sullivan Bay tomorrow to return to his boat and to perform at Echo Bay in a few days. He and his wife are catching their flight at the Renton airport. Using Jack and Moon’s satellite phone I was able to get a prescription from my doctor and have it filled at a pharmacy near our daughter, Alley, in Bellevue. Alley picked up the medicine and dropped it off at the Red Lion Hotel where the Longs were spending the night tonight. Charlie picked up the package and will be bringing it with him tomorrow when they fly in.  This was a huge lesson on being prepared. I know our doctor is willing to give us prescriptions to fill before we take off on these long trips so we will have what we need should there be any kind of medical issue.  We will be putting together a list of prescriptions that we might possibly need in case of illness or injuries.  I am so thankful to Charlie and his wife for their willingness to bring the medicine up here with them. They are truly kind and thoughtful people and I’m looking forward to meeting them. And a huge thank you to Jack and Moon for letting me put many minutes on their satellite phone and to Alley for coordinating the prescription and getting it to Charlie. I know it was a busy work day for her and I appreciate her so much!

Once we got the prescription issue settled we got the dinghy down off the fly bridge and all of us took a long tour through the islands.  What a fun time we had. We went to areas that larger boats can’t possibly get to. Bob lead us through some channels that were absolutely stunning. I wish my pictures could show what we saw with our eyes but at least they will give you a little taste of the beauty out there. Still, we didn’t see any bears!

When we got back to the dock I went around and took some more pictures of some of the quirky decorations that help make Sullivan Bay such a fun place. If you look closely you will see Bob in the brig!

At 5:00 everyone gathered on the dock again for appetizers although we didn’t really eat much. The staff invited those who wanted another try at winning a free night moorage to join him on the dock.  Several tried but still no winner.

This evening Bob flew his drone and got a nice picture of all of Sullivan Bay.

Again, the sky was beautiful tonight so I will close this post with another sunset photo.