

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Broughtons Summer Cruise - Day 22 Lagoon Cove

We started our day about 10:00am (amazing how we are sleeping in longer and longer!) with a dinghy ride to check out the "blow hole" that we will be going through tomorrow during high tide. The guide books say to keep to the north because of a huge rock. We found what they were talking about and know just where to go tomorrow morning. Before we left, I saw this heron perched up on the rocks. We also looked for bears (again!) and found areas that seemed to be perfect  for a bear but still no sightings.  It was a very pretty dinghy ride, though.

When we got back from our dinghy ride we wandered around the marina grounds. The owners live in the white house that overlooks the marina but they have made their yard available to the guests. There are signs directing us to the trails and to the "exercise yard". I thought they were quite creative. What a great way to get a little lawn mowing or wood chopping done!

It was so nice to walk through their yard and view the marina and cove from that vantage point. This is a beautiful place and we look forward to coming back again.

This afternoon several of us went for a walk on one of the trails. It was a beautiful walk except for all the bugs that tormented us. The owners have worked hard to maintain the trails and to clearly mark them so there is no chance of people getting lost. Again, we asked about bears and he said the trick is to look out ahead of us instead of down at our feet. That sounded like a plan until we got on the trail and realized there were a lot of roots and ups and downs to navigate.

This next picture I showed earlier today but in light of our walk I'm showing it again. The first picture is the view from our dinghy as we went out looking for bears. We thought this would be a great place to see a bear. Then, during our walk, we got to the end of the trail and we were at the exact same place looking out at the water.  Okay, something just isn't right when I already decided this was a great place to see a bear - from the water!

Tonight we had a potluck at the workhouse and the food was fantastic, It's so nice the owners stay and visit with us all so everyone can really get to know them. They are so happy to hear how much we like it here and how friendly everyone is. While we were eating we found out that just ten minutes before dinner a black bear was spotted on the trail we walked right by the swing that I was on in the picture in this post! Then he walked through the yard and down to the beach. We walked back to look around the yard and then went back again before bedtime in case he was back but we didn't see him. What we did see were a couple of cartoons on the office wall about bears. The first picture came out blurry and the caption was unreadable but it said "Darn, the feeder is empty!"

After dinner, Cap'n Charlie performed and sang some songs that he did not do at Pierre's. He gets no money for his performances. He sells his CD's to the marinas at his cost and then they mark up the price and get to keep all the profit. His goal is to help the marinas in the Broughtons to continue to do well and to be there in years to come for all of us to enjoy.